Performance in pedestrian zone and installation in the exhibition room «Kornschütte» in the city center of Lucerne, CH, in December 2013.
Kornschütte Luzern, view from outside.
Kornschütte exhibition view with White and picture of the White Picture Serie.
Leben wie eine Königin of the White Picture Serie.
The Kornschütte, where the exhibition took place, is a historical building from the 17th century. It was both, market place and town-hall. Today it is a public place for cultural representations. The historical city center of Lucerne is a pedestrian zone and it functions like a huge warehouse for people living in the outskirts and the inrush of tourists. This work belongs to Cristmas-time. December, time of consumption on the edge to a nervous breakdown and the longing for contemplation. No other Month in the Year is branded as much by the synergy between commerce and religious tradition.
«White» is the name for each of the 5 objects, filled with helium gas, levitating 50 cm above the ground. They were made to promenade in the city during the exhibition. They ought to create some visual empty spaces, short intermezzi in an environment full of people and stimuli, lack of information, potentially mind-clearing and aesthetical pleasure. Unfortunately the Whites got no permission from the municipality to follow there mission. The vision had to be concentrated in the Kornschütte. Originaly the Kornschütte should be used as a recreation- and gathering place fort he Whites. Now it was a stable where the Whites were locked up.
Exhibition and artistic intervention in the pedestrian zone in Lucerne. On the occasion of a double-exhibition „Es bewegt sich“ with André Wilhelm.
Ausstellung und Intervention in der Kornschütte und der Fussgängerzone der Stadt Luzern im November und Dezember 2013
Weiss wurde im Rahmen einer gemeinsamen Ausstellung mit André Wilhelm unter dem Titel «es bewegt sich» durchgeführt und präsentiert.
Das Video «wir folgen es» wurde von Carina Kaiser und Achim Ganser im Auftrag von Mimi von Moos für Weiss hergestellt
Das Ausstellungsprojekt «es bewegt sich» wurde unterstützt von:
FUKA Fonds der Stadt Luzern
Kulturförderung des Kanton Luzern
Casimir Eigensatz Stiftung
Pan Gas